Most Common Services Provided

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New Lock Installation

If your door does not have a dead bold on it, it is truly not secure.

Day Locks will drill the appropriate holes in your door and frame. We will chisel in your strike plate and bolt.

Utilizing this method will ensure functionality and aesthetics.

For the best security. Please lock your deadbolt!


Rekeying involves replacing the pins and springs in the inner workings of the lock in order to match the lock to a new key.

 A new key will be included when the rekeying is completed. The old keys will no longer operate the lock.

In many circumstances, rekeying your locks makes more sense than changing your locks.

Replace Locks

All mechanisms with moving parts eventually wear out. Repetitive movement of opening and closing the door. Locking and unlocking the door lock can wear down the internal mechanisms. This results in a key that sticks or is difficult to turn. Not being able to unlock or even open your door.

Rebuilding a damaged or worn lock may solve the issue, however it can’t make a worn lock new again. In this situation, replacing the entire lock is the best solution.

Vehicle Lockout

Car lockouts can occur for various reasons, including lost or stolen keys and broken vehicle locks. Or the oops... I did it again moment. 

Whatever the reason you end up in an auto lockout circumstance, you are not the only one. Truth be told, plenty of individuals get locked out of their vehicles every day.

If you find yourself, or someone else, in a situation with a child locked in a vehicle, please consider this an emergency and contact us immediately.


Security Cameras

Residential and Commercial

We service existing camera systems as well as installing new systems.

Available Systems Used:

POE - IP Network
Solar Cameras
Ring and Other Brands Available

With the dangers we face today, from violent to non-violent crimes, having a camera security system will give you the tools and evidence needed, not only to protect yourself, but also provide information/evidence to authorities.

Having a security camera is an elevated tier of protection and deterrence. 

Call for a free evaluation and quote.

Door Openers & Closers

Door openers and closers are utilized for access assistance, securing doors, and helps on utility costs. They may be seen at grocery stores, office buildings, handicap accessibility, and many other uses. There are two main door mechanisms:

Auto Openers:
These are fixed to existing manual doors and enable them to be opened or closed automatically or by powered push assist. The automatic door openers can be operated by a range of controls. 

These will close doors automatically after someone enters or exists. They also function as limiters, allowing doors to open and close without damaging door or surrounding structure. This is very important in high wind areas.

Installing these to code is our expertise.

Panic Bar

Panic bars are installed on outward opening exit doors that normally remain locked.
The reason for this, is in a panicked situation the panic bar is designed to open a door when pushed against it. 

Panic bars are required by fire code in most commercial buildings that have an emergency exist that remains locked and have a high occupancy load. Make sure you are up to code and check with your local fire department. 

Panic hardware comes in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Day Locks can replace existing hardware or help you determine what is the best mechanism for your door.

Access Control

Commercial access control systems are digital security systems that ensure authorized access to your building. They help ensure only authorized personnel are entering your building.

This can be extremely efficient in avoiding criminal activity at your business. Because they are digital, they are more efficient in doing so than traditional lock and key systems.

Loose a key... Rekey every door. Costly and time consuming.
Loose a key card... Delete it and issue a new one. Efficient and instantaneous. 

You can issue users convenient forms of entry like card keys, key fobs, mobile app barcodes, and more.

Keyless Entry

Residential Keyless Entry

Similarly to Commercial Access Control, Keyless Entry is better designed for residential properties and more affordable.

The two main categories include, emergency key override and no override key. At least one door on your property should have an emergency key override, because electronics can fail.

Keyless entry locks can be mechanical or motorized. Certain locks can connect to your smart device or even WIFI. 

Due to their ability to control user access and accessible time frames, these locks are ideal for open houses, renters, AirBnBs, and naturally... stubborn children with curfews.

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